Showing posts with label mobile marketing for business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile marketing for business. Show all posts


iPhone 5 pictures from the launch

The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

iPhone 5 pictures from the launch

The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

The glass back is no more, and has been replaced by an aluminium design. You can get the iPhone 5 in a choice of black and white - the white will come with a raw aluminium back and the black will be complemented with a black anodised back.

The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

New Apple iPhone 5 launched
Trending blog: iPhone 5's sting in the tail
Live blog: iPhone 5 launch

The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

 The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

Sixth-generation iPhone (© Apple)

The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)
 The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

And finaly the price in the US. Cheeper, in the UK £529? and the exchange rate is better in pounds.
If you are going to the States in the near future, you have a choice.

The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

The Apple iPhone 5: everything you need to know (© Apple)

A view across the water

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Text Message Marketing Wom Mobile Deals

Wom Mobile Deals offers marketing to all mobile devices. Mobile devices are reaching a critical mass and we are now at a point where it is unusual to meet someone who doesn’t own a cell phone or mobile device.
Want proof? Pay close attention the next time you go to a public place and I am willing to bet that you will see more than half the people carrying or using some kind of mobile gadget.
Obviously this will come as no surprise. Cell phone technology is improving every year and becoming more and more a part of our culture. Among all of the features that you will find on these devices, the most popular one is text messaging. Start sending your message out now for Small Businesses and Sales Agents start your mobile marketing through Wom Vegas and CLICK Wom Mobile Deals  to START NOW.


Mobile Marketing To All Mobile Devices

Mobile Marketing

Wouldn’t it be good if there was a Cheap and Easy way for all business, Small and Large to keep in contact with your customers on ALL MOBILE DEVICES? Informing your customers about your offers/services through the power of mobile marketing, and only pay for messages that are opened?


Free To Join

Go to and enter Promo Code 4456

Mobile Marketing To All Mobile Devices

Free To Join. Send Your Message. No Monthly Fees. No Set Up Fees. When you use the free link

Visit and enter Promo Code 4456

Why use Wom Mobile Deals to stay in contact with 
my customers, clients, and prospects?

This is true mobile marketing, ever wanted to do Text Marketing campaign to all your customers’ cell phone only to find you cannot get enough information in a text message for it to be effective and then get charged an arm and a leg by the text messaging company, and you are not even sure if the text was delivered.

The same goes for Email Marketing Companies who charge for an e-mail blast to x amount of addresses with low response rates, but you still have to pay for the unopened messages, what a waste.

You will only be charged after you send out your Wom Mobile Deals message and it has been clicked on. So basically no click no pay.

Now here is the best bit, to send a message to your personal lists the cost is 4 cents per message received within the time limit you set between 11 hours and 24 hours.  Now if a person has two or three devices for you to contact them on e.g. iPhone, Droid and Desktop it will still only be 4 cents for that person to pick up your message though Text or Email. You will never be charged for any messages after your deadline expires.

Anyone with no experience or technological know-how can send an advertisement to cell phones, smart phones, iPhones, iPads, Droid, and more. With walk you through, step by step simple to follow instructional videos at every stage, from start to finish.
With minimum orders of only $1 it is easy to get Wom Mobile Deal advertising as you need it, and keep in touch with your customers to boost your profits. There is a 50 cent charge for processing on every order.

So you could send your advertisement or message to 100 people guaranteed to click and view your message, before a deadline you designate, on their mobile or other devices for only $4

Join For Free Go To: and enter Promo Code 4456


Mobile Marketing To All Mobile Devices With  WomVegas Mobile Deals

Here are some examples of why you may want to use Wom Mobile Deals.

Let's say that you own a restaurant. You may want a list for updating customers on lunch specials

Perhaps you have an unusually slow day and you want to fill up some empty tables for lunch. Simply send out a message to your customer's mobile devices and tell them to bring a friend for lunch and get one lunch free.

Or let's say you own a small boutique and you have some items that just are not moving. Simply send out a message to your customer's mobile devices and tell them to bring a friend to your boutique and get 70% off the clearance item.

Or let's say you are the minister of a church. You may want a list for youth activity updates, prayer requests hot line, annual fundraisers, etc.

Other business that may want to use wom mobile deals are;

  • Estate agents, 

  • Employment agencies,

  •  Private clubs,

  •  Modelling agencies, 

  • Wholesalers, 

  • Event organiser's, 

  • Agents and Service Providers,

  •  even Auction houses, can advertise that late entry priceless work of art for their sale in two days time to everyone on their catalogue list, may be your business could use Wom Mobile Deals.

The list applies to any business that has an event, occasion or a product to promote that could use immediate spontaneous customer reaction at an affordable price, in a short time frame.                                                       

 Free To Join. No Monthly Fees. No Set Up Fees. Send Your Message.

There is no limit to what you can use these for. Be creative; create as many lists as you think you will need.

Free To Join Visit: and enter Promo Code 4456

What tools will you give me free to help 
me build my Wom Mobile Deals list with 
my customers, clients, and prospects?

You get 5 tools to help you entice your customers to join your Wom Mobile Deals marketing list.

1. You may use with YOUR promo code. Simply send your customers there to join.

2. You may install a sign up form on your own website that will fit in well with your website design.

3. You may use a link we give you to a sign up page. Use this link to create your own text links or to send to someone in an email.

4. We give you HTML you can copy and paste to create a click able text link on your websites.

5. We give you HTML you can copy and paste to create a click able button on your websites.

To get these tools just go to your administration area for your Wom Mobile Deals, click on #5. Get Links & Edit Personal Marketing List, and then click on links.
Each stage has a simple easy to follow help video that guides you through every step; from start to finish so you will always feel confident in telling your customers about your offers/services through the power of mobile marketing to all mobile devices from one spot.

Welcome to the Big Business World of Mobile Marketing

Free To Join Visit: and enter Promo Code 4456

For other womvegas offers go to;

See How Other Big Companies are Using Mobile Marketing to Cash In

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 #1. This is a 38 minute video of group participation answering the questions, "How did you find out about wom Vegas?" taken from our First wom Vegas Convention in Las Vegas. 
Wom Vegas is a high traffic site which is growing in potential all the time, it is asocial network where people chat and connect, with an opportunity if you want to make a little money, or start a part/full time business from home.

 Affordable Mobile Marketing To All Mobile Devices For Business And Sales Agents 

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Mobile Marketing Mobile Devices

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Are your using integration marketing in your business?

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